Monday, 23 December 2024

To Where You Are: For That Who Lost Their Half

Josh Groben again. Through Josh's words and sounds we sync with the spirit of those who lost their halves for illnesses or accidents or age even.

Simply knowing they are well through seeing their image smiling at us from where they are would give us peace and comfort.

'Faith is believing all power can't be seen': indeed, we sometimes think we see no miracles at all, when we may then start believing God doesn't exist. Faith is setting your mind to the right direction: God is allmighty and, if there is a way out of the satanic actions/interference in/with this world, it is through His son, Jesus, therefore through having a pure heart, a clean soul, thus also no sin, and faith in God. If God is using us to try to save others, God will give us the wisdom, so that we tell others what to do. If they follow our lead, they will be saved too, as we already are.

To Where You Are

Who can say for certain

Maybe you're still here

I feel you all around me

Your memories so clear

Deep in the stillness

I can hear you speak

You're still an inspiration

Can it be

That you are my

Forever love

And you are watching over me

From up above

Fly me up to where you are

Beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight

To see you smile

If only for a while

To know you're there

A breath away's not far to where you are

Are you gently sleeping

Here inside my dream?

And isn't faith believing

All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you

Just one beat away

I cherish all you gave me

Every day

'Cause you are my

Forever love

Watching me

From up above

And I believe

That angels breathe

And that love will live on

And never leave

Fly me up to where you are

Beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight

To see you smile

If only for a while

To know you're there

A breath away's not far to where you are

I know you're there

A breath away's not far to where you are

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