Wednesday, 25 December 2024

999: Nasty Nasty

Here, 999 passes us the sure impression that they have had contact with them as we did but preserved their memories that far, so the satanic are nasty, walk the streets at night to at least bug people, but perhaps those they accompanied also go out at night to look for an actual fight. They are the reason as to why we are all in the hell we are. They make people cry.

The chorus is as if they are saying: we don't really want to know the things you are doing, but, since you insist, then, what in a 'hell' you are still going to do? There is definitely something wrong with you, I can tell, I didn't care but you obliged me to by telling me these things, so, what in a 'hell' is wrong with you?

That they are always telling lies, such as when they pass their rhetoric to those they recruit. When they say my 1/2 has died. So on.

That they don't really try to do things God's ways. That they want people to pay for something, whatever they may invent: 'Lea Maria' and Leinha said those in the beach (in Queensland) were being killed for being there simply enjoying nature. They also create fights where there is none, like the own black Afrikans were never looking for revenge of the whites, accepted simply returning to their original land after slavery was over, but they then invent a fight accompanied of a rhetoric that they will use to brainwash their 'recruited': that the blacks (and they then include the mulattos, as explained before, so those who were never in slavery) deserve revenge from the whites in general (so not from those particular whites who did it, but from the whites who were never to be blamed for their slavery and would have stopped it somehow if knowing, like Isabel, the princess, is told to have done in Brazil (, therefore a white woman born in Rio de Janeiro).

The song still says that they would be considered brave if they could ever refuse to go 'with the decision of the group/rhetoric'. It still talks about rival groups blaming them, so something like Hezbollah blaming Al Qaeda (at a certain stage, inside of my head, they said they were going to blame Al Qaeda for all, yet we know that it is several terrorist groups of theirs, including Hezbollah, whose top boss remains in my head in image for a long time now, the who who does all all the way through. Hezbollah would have helped us have the story since end of 2001, though, so that they could be told to be less worse. Yet they didn't do the tsunami against Rio and did the one against Christian Indonesia...Also, for God, there is no bigger or smaller sin: it is all sin). That they use the media to their advantage and that is all that appears in the media, what can give them advantage, so lead to further brainwashing of the populations. That they each time commit more crimes and what is the actual objective? That they are shocking from head to feet, so have shocking looks and mind. That they think they are neat: indeed, 'Braganca' and Leinha used to spend long time admiring themselves and tidying/grooming themselves in the mirror. That they are always into something 'new', so another type of crime, yet soon that isn't new anymore.

Nasty Nasty

Nasty, nasty walk the streets at night

Nasty, nasty looking for a fight

Nasty, nasty you're the reason why

Nasty, nasty made somebody cry

What the hell is wrong with you

What the hell you going to do

You going to do

Nasty, nasty always telling lies

Nasty, nasty never really tries

Nasty, nasty want to make them pay

Nasty, nasty brave to turn away

Nasty, nasty rivals blaming you

Nasty, nasty all exploitation news

Nasty, nasty adding up the score

Nasty, nasty what's it really for

Nasty, nasty shocking head to feet

Nasty, nasty think you're really neat

Nasty, nasty into something new

Nasty, nasty soon that won't be true

Here they sing:

I now remember some story: That 999 would help us in the end, so that they shouldn't or couldn't speak to Rio de Janeiro/cariocas and we should guarantee they speak only to us/our team in the end, like they could speak to Rio only if they had already published about their crimes or something. They didn't give me this name, 999, but I believe they said a musical group. I now think that was one of the members of the group, who would have lived for a while, just like the 'swiss' guy in Enmore, who was allowed to work for a few days in Sydney before he got killed. I saw the woman with short hair, one set of multiples that I would call Eliane therefore, moving in my head as if crossing it to call this group, funny enough. They then don't appear in my head but she seems to have spoken to them about things.

It would be wise protecting them and speaking to them for real only after we have guaranteed God's brainwashing is on.

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