Sunday, 29 December 2024

It Had to Be You: To my 1/2

I learned this song from my singing teacher from Melbourne CBD by 2002 (even though I always wanted to sing, I had very few opportunities to get taught properly. I attended class with this one for less than one month, once a week, one hour). As I sang it, I felt that that was the song for my beloved, the man I would marry, like his energy was reaching me somehow or the energy from heavens was coming to tell me that he had always been there for me. I felt this joy that only heavens can give all of a sudden, as I sang it, when my initial impression was that it was a really old/outdated song, my teacher was old and everything else, so, when the male teacher sang it to me, I thought it was really bad, but, as soon as I was singing it myself, the Holy Spirit came and I felt this joy that only heavens can give, as if I were synching with my 1/2.

Who composed this hit was Frank Sinatra, who, according to Wikipedia, was born in New Jersey, USA, and New Jersey is apparently where I and my 1/2 were born, more specifically Atlantic City, so what a coincidence! Perhaps Frank was the original one until he composed and sang this song?

It had to be you

Why do I do just as you say

Why must I just give you your way

Why do I sigh, why don't I try to forget

It must have been that something lovers call fate

Kept me saying I have to wait

I saw them all, just couldn't fall, 'til we met

It had to be you

It had to be you

I wandered around, and I finally found

The somebody who

Could make me be true

And could make me be blue

And even be glad

Just to be sad - thinking of you

Some others I've seen

Might never be mean

Might never be cross, or try to be boss

But they wouldn't do

For nobody else gave me a thrill

With all your faults, I love you still

It had to be you

Wonderful you

It had to be you

For nobody else gave me a thrill

With all your faults, I love you still

It had to be you

Wonderful you

It had to be you

Here you have the own Frank Sinatra singing:

It looks like his life might have been usurped at old age. To find out, it suffices comparing pictures throughout time, like an old with a new one:

Things should be much easier when they were already famous before the usurpation happened.

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