Saturday, 4 January 2025

It Was a Boy Just Like Me

This song was introduced to me by black 'Nelson' and I now once more see that God writes straight through tortuous lines: it was obviously composed by someone who knew all they were doing/had done and felt as if they should be the voice of the victims. I now believe black 'Nelson' met with them in person and conversed with them about all. I and 'Lea Maria' were in Porto Alegre from 1974 to 1980, and 'Nelson' used to come by once in a while but was staying somewhere else, imagine Porto Alegre as well. I was never taken where he stayed, so that I have no idea of where it was. Wikipedia says the musical group is from Porto Alegre and that is compatible with their body posture and accent in the video I here quote, so that 'Nelson' must have met them in Porto Alegre.

The information I had about black 'Nelson', attained through 'Lea Maria', was that he was attending the army school from 1980 until about 1983 at least but I sincerely don't believe he ever did that. I have good evidence to the other side. He must then have remained in Porto Alegre.

The Vietnam War finished in 1975 and Engenheiros do Hawai published this song in 1986 in Sao Paulo (if they were from Porto Alegre, why were they recording in Sao Paulo, I wonder). The album is called Longe Demais das Capitais (Too far Away from the Cities,, what makes me think 'Nelson' had his managerial/administrative activities happening in country places. Besides, I now believe the picture on this album is the best reference we have as for their original looks. I think I am sure this picture compared to the one where they appear to be of really old age, which is found through the link below, will return 'usurpation' as response.

There is a chance 'Nelson's' device is produced in Hawai, since the name of this musical group is Engineers of Hawai. If there is any university in the hands of aboriginals there, that would then be my best theory: that it is being made by those, so by their telecommunications/electric/electronic engineers (because of the rhetoric of the groups, the bit that is known by me).

'Marshall Rivera' stalked me at the Sydney airport when I first arrived in Australia. I understood his role in the group was throwing asphault from 'his' company into the holes where they accumulated corpses after killing victims in Australia, so that he would have done that on the road adjacent to Sydney University, for instance, where Leinha killed quite a few people, some of those with me watching, and put their corpses inside of holes there, holes on the road (the hole I most remember was really long and located at the left side of the road of those coming from the city to Enmore). 'Marshall' never told me a thing and I had no memories until 2020 but I put clues together from what Leinha told me and ended up with this as the truth about him. He figured as millionaire here and claimed to have come from Hawai. He did look and sound a bit aboriginal to me, so that I here imagine an aboriginal killing a millionaire in Hawai and usurping since there, so that the person who left Australia to visit Hawai would't have the same biology as the person coming back to Australia from Hawai, despite the two different biological identities having the same legal identity in Australia.

I believe 'Marshall' got killed by the marginal because he was my friend, good friend indeed, like he became a very good friend: they set me up, like the travel agent did not tell me he had put one day of wait in Sydney in between and I had to go from Brazil to Brisbane. I did not know the airport would close and everything on top, so that I was left without having where to sleep for that night and with no reference at the airport. I was counting on the helper from UQ, since UQ told me they would be waiting for me at the airport when I arrived. I conversed with Marshall and he was very good at conversing, so that I ended up accepting his offer, of sleeping at his place that night and going out with him to do something in Sydney next day before proceeding to Brisbane. He claimed he was waiting for his flatmate at the airport but it didn't look as if she was going to come that day. I slept on his bed by his side, since he said there was no other bed in the place and I also couldn't find any. I then played little kid, had a teddy bear hugging me at night, and he was nice to me (as for his looks, it felt as if he could be my father as well, so that that was a very natural thing for me, even though I had never slept with 'my father', like as far as I know). We then became friends. Next day we went to the zoo and it was really nice, he took a nice picture of me and all else (that was Australia Day, 2000). He used to lecture me on how his asphault was the best in the world because of the way it was layered (maybe he said it was three layers). Money is something that does give people chances and he had it, so that I believe the marginal killed him just because of that.

Engenheiros is, in this song, telling us of what the marginal thinks is the typical young native American male from back then, perhaps also Christian and white. The symbols we see are Beatles, Rolling Stones, travelling around the world and guitar. We already know the Beatles got usurped, entire band, so that the Rolling Stones probably also did.

The marginal created the Vietnam War to kill native American white men, so that they hated those more than anyone else. If I am to believe 'Braganca', they were really into having sex with the American native white woman, so that they must have seen something special in those. I initially thought it was because they were more faithful than their fellows in nationality but I then realized all he had seen was a movie with the actress he starts targeting. He could have observed the soul of the woman, even through acting, I am sure that is possible, but we then need to confirm that soul via conversation/interaction and it seems to me that it all resumed to asking for sex, so that it is likely that they simply thought the American native white woman was more angelical/innocent than their fellow citizens (the movie they make me see in my head, as they describe things to me, seems to show nothing that is of sexual nature, like the woman is even completely covered, at most clivage showing). I say that because men have traditionally associated beauty of heavenly nature to angels, therefore beauty above all beauties, which is then what would make them be attracted to having contact with them. Also because they have fixation with kids (to marry and to have sex with them) and what kids have in special is obviously innocence (this is just to confirm that the clevage, if showing, had nothing to do with their feelings/impulses/emotions), the angelical nature, with men even painting and sculpting 'angels' that look exactly like babies all the time. I then believe they were thinking that, if they killed substantial part of the American native white men, those women they wanted as wives would end up accepting them, like no choice (as I wrote that, the marginal confirmed inside of my head that that is what it was).

An usurper from the CIA, a male with incredible accent from overseas when speaking English to me through my head, asked for advice, so that he told me he was CIA and they were discussing the Vietnam War exactly at that moment in the government. He said that the human losses were incredible and they had a problem with that, so what could they do to say that Americans were not really simply decimated in such a war (he made me feel as if he were going to get fired if those losses were not trivialized and also as if he expected me to solve his problem, which is then the reason I cooperated, I think, maybe subconsciously thinking of my 'role' within the group or something. Yet, back then, I was supposed to have no memory of being bugged, so that I am not sure about how that happened or why I accepted and answered him. Maybe they erased that contact with him after I gave him the answer? I can't really explain this part). I then said that they could invert the figures, so say it was the vietcongs who died in high numbers, not the Americans. I am sure that is what they did because, until the moment of the tsunami in Rio, they do all I advise, like everyone who asks for advice to me, through head or in person.

I now believe Engenheiros has ended up usurped ('Nelson' must have calculated I would remember the song at this height or something) but they seem to have survived the marginal's fury that far and still be able to 'do something' for us. I believe the right sequence of events would be Vietnam War, usurpation of Beatles, usurpation of Rolling Stones, then usurpation of the own musical group. I only put enough effort into proving the usurpation of the Beatles, so that one I am sure about. The rest is just theory. I think it is missing pictures in this set of when they started but perhaps, if I am right in my guesses, this group got usurped in recent times only, so that if you compare the picture where they seem really old with the picture where they look youngest, you will know for sure.

Era um Garoto que como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones (It was a boy who just like me loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones)

Era um garoto que como eu (It was a boy who just like me)

Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones (Loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones)

Girava o mundo sempre a cantar (Used to go around the world always singing)

As coisas lindas da América (The beautiful things from America)

Não era belo, mas mesmo assim (He wasn't beautiful but even so)

Havia umas garotas a fim (There were a few girls interested in him)

Cantava Help and Ticket to Ride (He used to sing Help and Ticket to Ride)

Ou Lady Jane e Yesterday (Or Lady Jane and Yesterday)

Cantava vivas à liberdade (He used to sing praises to freedom)

Mas uma carta sem esperar (However an unexpected letter)

Da sua guitarra, o separou (Split him from his guitar)

Fora chamado na América (He was called in America)

Stop! Com Rolling Stones (Stop with Rolling Stones)

Stop! Com Beatles songs (Stop with Beatles songs)

Mandado foi ao Vietnã (They ordered that he went to Vietnam)

Lutar com vietcongs (To fight against the vietcongs)

Era um garoto que como eu (It was a boy, who just like me)

Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones (Loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones)

Girava o mundo, mas acabou (He used to go around the world, but ended up)

Fazendo a guerra do Vietnã (Making the Vietnam War)

Cabelos longos não usa mais (He doesn't have long hair anymore)

Não, ele não toca a sua guitarra e sim (No, he doesn't play his guitar anymore and instead)

Um instrumento que sempre dá (Plays an instrument that always gives)

A mesma nota (ra-tá-tá-tá) (The same tab (ra-ta-ta-ta)

Não tem amigos, não vê garotas (He has no friends, he doesn't see girls)

Só gente morta caindo ao chão (Only dead people falling to the ground)

Ao seu país não voltará (To his Country, he won't return)

Pois está morto no Vietnã (Because he is deceased in Vietnam)

Stop! Com Rolling Stones (Stop with Rolling Stones)

Stop! Com Beatles songs (Stop with Beatles songs)

No peito, um coração não há (On the chest, there is no heart)

Mas duas medalhas sim (There are two medals instead)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Tatá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Tatá-tá-tá-tá (Tata-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá (Rata-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá (Rata-ta-ta-ta)

Here this interesting gaucho band sings this song:

The Wikipedia page for the group says they had past members, so that I now think they simply swapped members and the original group, which is the people who would have composed this song, might then still be alive and be the same ones. It is worth dedicating some time to investigating this in detail, seriously, though.

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