Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)
De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice, pai (Father, put this chalice away from me, father)
Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)
Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)
De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)
Como beber dessa bebida amarga (How to sip from this bitter beverage?)
Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta (Sip from pain, swallow toil)
Mesmo calada a boca, resta o peito (Even if the mouth is shut, we still have the chest)
Silêncio na cidade não se escuta (We don't hear silence in the town)
De que me vale ser filho da santa (What is worth being the son of the saint)
Melhor seria ser filho da outra (Better being the son of another woman)
Outra realidade menos morta (Another reality, less deceased)
Tanta mentira, tanta força bruta (So many lies, so much brute force)
Pai (pai) (Father)
Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))
Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))
Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)
De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)
Como é difícil acordar calado (How it is hard to raise mouth shut)
Se na calada da noite eu me dano (If in the late hours of the night I get damned)
Quero lançar um grito desumano (I want to throw a inhumane scream)
Que é uma maneira de ser escutado (which is the way to get heard)
Esse silêncio todo me atordoa (This silence torments me)
Atordoado eu permaneço atento (Tormented, I remain alert)
Na arquibancada pra qualquer momento (In the bleachers, so that at any moment)
Ver emergir o monstro da lagoa (I will see the lagoon monster emerge)
Pai (pai) (Father)
Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))
Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))
Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)
De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)
De muito gorda a porca já não anda (cálice) (From being too fat the female pig doesn't move anymore)(chalice)
De muito usada a faca já não corta (From too much use, the knife doesn't cut anymore)
Como é difícil, pai (pai), abrir a porta (cálice) (How it is hard, Father (Father), opening that door (chalice)
Essa palavra presa na garganta (The word stuck in the throat)
Esse pileque homérico no mundo (This Homeric bender in humanity)
De que adianta ter boa vontade (In what does it help having good will)
Mesmo calado o peito, resta a cuca (Even if the chest is shut, we still have the noggin)
Dos bêbados do centro da cidade (Of the drunken downtown)
Pai (pai) (Father (Father)
Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father)
Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father)
Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)
De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)
Talvez o mundo não seja pequeno (cálice) (Perhaps the world is not small (chalice)
Nem seja a vida um fato consumado (cálice, cálice) (Or life a fait accompli)
Quero inventar o meu próprio pecado (I want to invent my own sin)
(Cálice, cálice, cálice) (Chalice, chalice, chalice)
Quero morrer do meu próprio veneno (I want to die from my own poison)
(Pai, cálice, cálice, cálice) (Chalice, chalice, chalice)
Quero perder de vez tua cabeça (cálice) (I want to let go of your thinking forever (chalice)
Minha cabeça perder teu juízo (cálice) (I want my head to let go of your judgement (chalice)
Quero cheirar fumaça de óleo diesel (cálice) (I want to snif diesel smoke (chalice)
Me embriagar até que alguém me esqueça (cálice) (Get drunk on the smoke until people forget me (chalice)
Here 'Chico' and 'Milton Nascimento' sing it:
Chico Buarque got usurped quite a few times from what we see on a quick Google search, in terms of pictures. Remarkable is the fact that his first album brings 2 versions of 'himself', like at least one has to be a usurper, but we actually think, all together analyzing it, like the most aggressive/harmful beasts from Rio, who attack 24/7 with voice and image, with me, that none of the images on the cover of this album are of the original guy, who would have composed Calice. We don't feel the depth of thinking shown by that song in any of those two. We then imagine that, by the time of the first usurpation, this man had already composed many songs, which is what happened to me after I had 'my' 'Tom Cruise' in my head in image when I was staying at the backpackers in Sydney CBD called Maze: I started composing those there and never stopped until I had enough, which I think was about 100 songs later. I didn't even think of recording those professionally until it was over and some time passed. Al Qaeda did that several times, we accompanied them, they even put an ad in a local newspaper or something while they were with 'me' in Enmore back in 1972 or 3: people who had original inventions would come to them for sponsorship/management. They then would make them lecture them/show them what it was and then would kill them to usurp the art/creation, which would then appear maybe many years later in the media as belonging to their usurper of the time. We mentioned one of those, which was the Internet Explorer, stolen from an Enmore resident, who probably was a native, back then. Yet, the IE appeared in the public domain only in 1995, so 23 years later. See the cover of the album yourself and 'marvel' at the capacity of Al Qaeda of exposing it all to the public like that and, even so, remain unnoticed in their atrocity. The nose is completely different (one nose opens to the sides in the end and the other is way less wide), so are the chins (one has a curve to inside of it close to the mouth, the other doesn't) and the eyes (pockets, for instance). Here you see the cover we talk about:
I theorize that the original guy is this one, even though I would need a picture of when he was a baby to be able to tell for sure:
I now remember Leinha telling me that they were going to put the original and the usurper side to side on a cover to see what people thought. That they had done that before once, so that she was referring to the 1966 album of Chico (that means they usurped in Brazil before 'we' get there the first time, as if they had never been there, arrival point being Rio Grande, RS, a house close to the slums but also away from those, in a very clean spot and clean in all, while the slums was surrounded by garbage, it is a horrendous area, where I went with a fellow from FURG. That was about 1973. As for Australia, they said they had already usurped the same school once, the one in Enmore or closest to there), I now reckon, and she was then anouncing that they were going to do that again at that time, so by 1972 or 3, therefore there would be another singer whose cover had 2 pictures of himself and those were, according to her, usurper and original. Yet, I theorize she lied about the 1966 one having been with one original, as said in the previous paragraph. Then, I don't have much memory and she may have said that one was going to be like that in the future and the other were two usurpers.
I am trying to locate a picture of chico where he is a baby but I am not really suceeding. That would tell us if one of those two men on that cover could be an original. I tried Co-pilot for cover with 2 pictures of male singer from back then but it gave me Paul Simon and Elton John (Good Bye Yellow Brick Road) and I don't see the back of the covers but the front doesn't seem to show two different pictures of the same men. shows 'Chico' when little, perhaps 10 yo and close to that. It says they lived in Italy when he was little. We then see 2 different boys and a 3rd version of him, much older, on the same website. The color of the skin and the nose are different, for instance. The top picture on this page,, is yet another version of 'Chico'. I saw the eyes of this boy and went: oh, then Brazilian people looked even similar to the American people, but I then observed that the eye was a bit too uniform, with a color that was exotic, and I then go, they changed his original eye color through bug. Indeed, you can see, on the first website link provided in this paragraph, that the eye color and even color of skin has changed from when he was 10yo and before that (I take the first picture to be older). This one,, contains yet another version of him (the youngest guy in the pictures).
Notice that, in this case, I was wrong about the original, since he got replaced much earlier than that age. We now theorize he would be like us two, so probably got either usurped or swapped by birth even. If we are right now, usurpation of Al Qaeda in Brazil starts at most in 1944, which is before the end of the 2nd World War. Since the usurper would be a satanic, he wouldn't have composed such a beautiful and deep song, so that, in this case, Al Qaeda probably stole this song from completely different people and gave to the usurper. brings what should be the original version with Gilberto Gil and Chico Buarque, but it is clearly just a farce, like a song like this one would always be sung by its authors in full when it comes to the lyrics, since the lyrics is a wonder, teaches us things that are very valuable, means something important to the author, so that here I immediately knew that those could not be the originals. Yet, as I got to this one, I noticed the opening screen, which says 'the dream is over' (O Sonho Acabou) and I then think that means I cannot even dream anymore that I will someday be free, as for message intended, like I already went through 'Hermolga's' bit and everything else. May God bless!
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