Saturday, 1 February 2025

Chalice: A Miraculous Song by Chico Buarque and Gilberto Gil

I get the impression that this song might have been written by the originals, so Chico Buarque as born and Milton Nascimento as born, so absolutely connected to the Holy Ghost thinking it is: this is exactly the right idea of all that is involved in drinking the wine at the church and saying that is the blood of Christ when you are a person of Our God. This is obviously how we show what it is for real, sort of 'king is naked' thing: please put away this chalice, can only be joking, this is then poisoned blood, for Christ was in deepest pain and suffering, and who should be drinking blood anyway? It is absurd! The satanic invented all this, as now said many times in our other blog, Religion. He is saying 'bitter drink', sip from pain, swallow toil: Jesus had toil here and we shouldn't swallow his toil, we should praise his presence among us instead, show we saw value in his work, so describe how it felt, exhibit it, instead of hiding it or disappearing with it through the act of swallowing. Even if we shut our mouth, as the churches demand, we still feel it inside. The (town) people around are making noise all the time, so they are protesting somehow. What value does it have in Jesus' mother having been a saint if he ended up like that, so better being son of another, since there he would have had more life. In this case, I don't want my mother to be a saint. So many lies of the satanic, so much crime, so brute force, violence. Father, so God, put this thing away from me, so the blood of Christ, like we are not vampires, therefore creatures of darkness, or hell. How it is hard for Jesus to wake up and say nothing if during the night the Roman Empire was there attacking him, so I feel like Jesus there, what he felt, which is obviously what we should be doing if wanting to learn about spirit and God from the Holy Ghost, like if we want to sync with the vibes from the Holy Ghost so that we can be given wisdom from God. Jesus should have screamed in a less-human way, since only then we would have heard. People don't care, so that Jesus was tormented, but his torment kept him awake, so alive. Waiting for the next monster's appearance, so for the next Pilates, for the next Caiaphas, for the next Longinus (perhaps he was already dead at that stage?). The pig is where the satanic say Jesus put the demons he expelled from people, so that the authors refer to several demons having been put in the same female pig, way too many, so that she cannot walk, just meaning too much sin around, so they see sin around them all the time. From so much using the exorcist, he cannot cast the demon away anymore (the knife). It is so unlikely that we will ever open the doors of heavens: we keep on drinking and offering the blood of Christ! I do know the right Word but I cannot say it (stuck in the throat), so, for some reason, they felt as if something was preventing them from telling others what they know about Our God. People are all drunken from sipping from Jesus' blood, so that they feel as if everyone is adoring that thing, of pure sin, of drinking from the blood of the innocent as if they were the aboriginal who has beaten the enemy (since those sometimes even eat their hearts), so that perhaps they are so sensitive they can tell, before trying to speak, that they will never accept that is wrongest thing, completely against what Our God expects from us in terms of reactions to those so shocking memories. They may wish for doing that but they don't see that if the chest is silent (they had previously said that even if the mouth is shut, there was still the chest and now they say that the chest is also silent, so the heart doesn't pump for Jesus' suffering, it doesn't shock them) those people would still reflect about things apart from possibly the so few ones that group in the CBD and are adoring all that blood festival that far. Perhaps there are more places in the world where they could go and perhaps it is not what it looks like, so as if it is all supposed to be in that way always everywhere. I am sorry, but, if I am supposed to sin, I want to do it without being forced by you to do it, like drinking that is a sin, I am sure, so I really don't want any part in that. I want to travel in the valley of death because I chose so, not because you made me sync with the moment of his death (drinking his blood) instead of of his life. I want to get rid of your rhetoric, I want to see this my own way, which I believe is the correct way, I want to go to as far as I can (road then car), so that you won't be able to reach me or the people who adore this thing of the blood of Christ in a cup.


Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)

Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)

Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)

De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)

Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice, pai (Father, put this chalice away from me, father)

Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)

Pai, afasta de mim esse cálice (Father, put this chalice away from me)

De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)

Como beber dessa bebida amarga (How to sip from this bitter beverage?)

Tragar a dor, engolir a labuta (Sip from pain, swallow toil)

Mesmo calada a boca, resta o peito (Even if the mouth is shut, we still have the chest)

Silêncio na cidade não se escuta (We don't hear silence in the town)

De que me vale ser filho da santa (What is worth being the son of the saint)

Melhor seria ser filho da outra (Better being the son of another woman)

Outra realidade menos morta (Another reality, less deceased)

Tanta mentira, tanta força bruta (So many lies, so much brute force)

Pai (pai) (Father)

Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))

Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))

Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)

De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)

Como é difícil acordar calado (How it is hard to raise mouth shut)

Se na calada da noite eu me dano (If in the late hours of the night I get damned)

Quero lançar um grito desumano (I want to throw a inhumane scream)

Que é uma maneira de ser escutado (which is the way to get heard)

Esse silêncio todo me atordoa (This silence torments me)

Atordoado eu permaneço atento (Tormented, I remain alert)

Na arquibancada pra qualquer momento (In the bleachers, so that at any moment)

Ver emergir o monstro da lagoa (I will see the lagoon monster emerge)

Pai (pai) (Father)

Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))

Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father))

Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)

De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)

De muito gorda a porca já não anda (cálice) (From being too fat the female pig doesn't move anymore)(chalice)

De muito usada a faca já não corta (From too much use, the knife doesn't cut anymore)

Como é difícil, pai (pai), abrir a porta (cálice) (How it is hard, Father (Father), opening that door (chalice)

Essa palavra presa na garganta (The word stuck in the throat)

Esse pileque homérico no mundo (This Homeric bender in humanity)

De que adianta ter boa vontade (In what does it help having good will)

Mesmo calado o peito, resta a cuca (Even if the chest is shut, we still have the noggin)

Dos bêbados do centro da cidade (Of the drunken downtown)

Pai (pai) (Father (Father)

Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father)

Afasta de mim esse cálice (pai) (Put this chalice away from me (Father)

Afasta de mim esse cálice (Put this chalice away from me)

De vinho tinto de sangue (Of tinted wine of blood)

Talvez o mundo não seja pequeno (cálice) (Perhaps the world is not small (chalice)

Nem seja a vida um fato consumado (cálice, cálice) (Or life a fait accompli)

Quero inventar o meu próprio pecado (I want to invent my own sin)

(Cálice, cálice, cálice) (Chalice, chalice, chalice)

Quero morrer do meu próprio veneno (I want to die from my own poison)

(Pai, cálice, cálice, cálice) (Chalice, chalice, chalice)

Quero perder de vez tua cabeça (cálice) (I want to let go of your thinking forever (chalice)

Minha cabeça perder teu juízo (cálice) (I want my head to let go of your judgement (chalice)

Quero cheirar fumaça de óleo diesel (cálice) (I want to snif diesel smoke (chalice)

Me embriagar até que alguém me esqueça (cálice) (Get drunk on the smoke until people forget me (chalice)

Here 'Chico' and 'Milton Nascimento' sing it:

Chico Buarque got usurped quite a few times from what we see on a quick Google search, in terms of pictures. Remarkable is the fact that his first album brings 2 versions of 'himself', like at least one has to be a usurper, but we actually think, all together analyzing it, like the most aggressive/harmful beasts from Rio, who attack 24/7 with voice and image, with me, that none of the images on the cover of this album are of the original guy, who would have composed Calice. We don't feel the depth of thinking shown by that song in any of those two. We then imagine that, by the time of the first usurpation, this man had already composed many songs, which is what happened to me after I had 'my' 'Tom Cruise' in my head in image when I was staying at the backpackers in Sydney CBD called Maze: I started composing those there and never stopped until I had enough, which I think was about 100 songs later. I didn't even think of recording those professionally until it was over and some time passed. Al Qaeda did that several times, we accompanied them, they even put an ad in a local newspaper or something while they were with 'me' in Enmore back in 1972 or 3: people who had original inventions would come to them for sponsorship/management. They then would make them lecture them/show them what it was and then would kill them to usurp the art/creation, which would then appear maybe many years later in the media as belonging to their usurper of the time. We mentioned one of those, which was the Internet Explorer, stolen from an Enmore resident, who probably was a native, back then. Yet, the IE appeared in the public domain only in 1995, so 23 years later. See the cover of the album yourself and 'marvel' at the capacity of Al Qaeda of exposing it all to the public like that and, even so, remain unnoticed in their atrocity. The nose is completely different (one nose opens to the sides in the end and the other is way less wide), so are the chins (one has a curve to inside of it close to the mouth, the other doesn't) and the eyes (pockets, for instance). Here you see the cover we talk about:

I theorize that the original guy is this one, even though I would need a picture of when he was a baby to be able to tell for sure:

I now remember Leinha telling me that they were going to put the original and the usurper side to side on a cover to see what people thought. That they had done that before once, so that she was referring to the 1966 album of Chico (that means they usurped in Brazil before 'we' get there the first time, as if they had never been there, arrival point being Rio Grande, RS, a house close to the slums but also away from those, in a very clean spot and clean in all, while the slums was surrounded by garbage, it is a horrendous area, where I went with a fellow from FURG. That was about 1973. As for Australia, they said they had already usurped the same school once, the one in Enmore or closest to there), I now reckon, and she was then anouncing that they were going to do that again at that time, so by 1972 or 3, therefore there would be another singer whose cover had 2 pictures of himself and those were, according to her, usurper and original. Yet, I theorize she lied about the 1966 one having been with one original, as said in the previous paragraph. Then, I don't have much memory and she may have said that one was going to be like that in the future and the other were two usurpers.

I am trying to locate a picture of chico where he is a baby but I am not really suceeding. That would tell us if one of those two men on that cover could be an original. I tried Co-pilot for cover with 2 pictures of male singer from back then but it gave me Paul Simon and Elton John (Good Bye Yellow Brick Road) and I don't see the back of the covers but the front doesn't seem to show two different pictures of the same men. shows 'Chico' when little, perhaps 10 yo and close to that. It says they lived in Italy when he was little. We then see 2 different boys and a 3rd version of him, much older, on the same website. The color of the skin and the nose are different, for instance. The top picture on this page,, is yet another version of 'Chico'. I saw the eyes of this boy and went: oh, then Brazilian people looked even similar to the American people, but I then observed that the eye was a bit too uniform, with a color that was exotic, and I then go, they changed his original eye color through bug. Indeed, you can see, on the first website link provided in this paragraph, that the eye color and even color of skin has changed from when he was 10yo and before that (I take the first picture to be older). This one,, contains yet another version of him (the youngest guy in the pictures).

Notice that, in this case, I was wrong about the original, since he got replaced much earlier than that age. We now theorize he would be like us two, so probably got either usurped or swapped by birth even. If we are right now, usurpation of Al Qaeda in Brazil starts at most in 1944, which is before the end of the 2nd World War. Since the usurper would be a satanic, he wouldn't have composed such a beautiful and deep song, so that, in this case, Al Qaeda probably stole this song from completely different people and gave to the usurper. brings what should be the original version with Gilberto Gil and Chico Buarque, but it is clearly just a farce, like a song like this one would always be sung by its authors in full when it comes to the lyrics, since the lyrics is a wonder, teaches us things that are very valuable, means something important to the author, so that here I immediately knew that those could not be the originals. Yet, as I got to this one, I noticed the opening screen, which says 'the dream is over' (O Sonho Acabou) and I then think that means I cannot even dream anymore that I will someday be free, as for message intended, like I already went through 'Hermolga's' bit and everything else. May God bless!

Monday, 27 January 2025

March of the Mission: A Wonderful Seicho Song

I now believe Seicho comes from Shinto because of the goddess involved, Amaterasu, and some quick research incursions of mine into the topic. Yet this particular song, just like the other one from Seicho I here published, does not mention her name and it says 'god', so that it is more than OK to be sung by us. As another point, I have the impression that whoever created these two songs from Seicho that I published here studied sounds and harmony and vibrations and had a very high spiritual sychronicity with the Holy Ghost. I deeply believe that was the original Masaharu Taniguchi. Please do research on him, following the pattern we here established, so through the pictures of his past, to prove his usurpation, then find out when these two songs were written and prove that they were written by the original person. He was a married man, so that he did follow the Diamond Rule of Our God: only instructing after marrying if you are a man. Singing these songs with the rhythm and intonation of Seicho from Brazil by the time I attend those churches, one in Catete and another in Florianopolis CBD, if possible still doing their clapping, makes us feel the kindness of the Holy Ghost and therefore make us feel positive and heavenly. We can probably prove that in Marcia Hope, so through science. May God bless!

Marcha da Missao (March of the Mission)

Esta vida que objetivo terá? (This life, (strength!) what objective it may have?)

Esta humanidade que significa? (This humanity, what does it mean?)

Sem conhecermos a finalidade, (Without us knowing the purpose)

Que valor tem a nossa vida? (What value has our life indeed)

Que valor tem a nossa vida? (What value has our life indeed)

De Deus nosso Senhor esta vida recebemos (From God Our Lord (strength!) this life we receive)

Para a mais alta realização. (For the highest achievement)

Nós nascemos com uma finalidade, (We were all born with a purpose)

Que valor teremos se não a cumprirmos? (What value will we have if we don't fulfill it?)

Que valor teremos se não a cumprirmos? (What value will we have if we don't fulfill it?)

A caridade é o ato de nosso dever. (Charity is (strength!) an act of our duty)

Deus é o amor que somente dá, (God is the love that solely gives)

Seu ensinamento nós seguiremos, (His teaching we will follow indeed)

Dedicando-nos a caridade. (Dedicating ourselves to charity)

Dedicando-nos a caridade. (Dedicating ourselves to charity)

Somente os que vivem Para esta missão (Only those who live (strength!) for this mission indeed)

Conhecem o prazer que nós recebemos. (Get to know the pleasure that we all receive)

A fé fortificando levantemos, (Strengthening the Faith Let's raise Let's raise)

Purificando a alma avante. (Purifying the soul ahead we all go)

Purificando a alma avante (Purifying the soul ahead we all go)

Here some singing in the style they sang in my Seicho churches in Brazil:,vid:i5OU766i4Gc,st:0

When the lyrics above says, strength!, we must raise a fist to the sky with the right hand if we are right-handed and put all energy into declaring that.

Here the lyrics in Portuguese:

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Let There Be Love: A Song from Bahia, Brazil

This song was composed by Luiz Caldas, a man from Bahia, Brazil. Each state of Brazil represents a different culture, as if it were another Country: food, rhythms, dances, clothes, slangs and accent change dramatically from one state to another. Bahia likes fat food and spices, Rio de Janeiro likes white rice with black beans as staple food and Rio Grande do Sul likes barbeque, red wine and pizza, just to mention a few differences and a few states.

Haja Amor (Let there be love)

Eu queria ser uma abelha pra pousar na tua flor (I'd like to be a bee to land over your flower)

Haja amor, haja amor(Let there be love, let there be love)

Fazer zum-zum na cama e gemer sem sentir dor (Making zum-zum in bed and moaning without feeling pain)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Na colmeia dos teus sonhos quero ser teu cantador (In the beehive of your dreams, I want to be your chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Pois batuqueiro é batuqueiro e cantador é cantador (Because a drum beater is a drum beater and a chanter is a chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Haja amor pra plantar (Let there be love for planting)

Haja amor pra sorrir (Let there be love for smiling)

Haja amor pra viver (Let there be love for living)

Haja amor, seja flor, anjo no céu (Let there be love, be a flower, angel in the sky)

Eu queria ser uma abelha pra pousar na tua flor (I'd like to be a bee to land over your flower)

Haja amor, haja amor(Let there be love, let there be love)

Fazer zum-zum na cama e gemer sem sentir dor (Making zum-zum in bed and moaning without feeling pain)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Na colmeia dos teus sonhos quero ser teu cantador (In the beehive of your dreams, I want to be your chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Pois batuqueiro é batuqueiro e cantador é cantador (Because a drum beater is a drum beater and a chanter is a chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Haja amor pra crescer (Let there be love for growing)

Haja amor pra subir (Let there be love for climbing up)

Haja amor pra vencer (Let there be love for winning)

Haja amor, seja flor, anjo no céu (Let there be love, be a flower, angel in the sky)

Eu queria ser uma abelha pra pousar na tua flor (I'd like to be a bee to land over your flower)

Haja amor, haja amor(Let there be love, let there be love)

Fazer zum-zum na cama e gemer sem sentir dor (Making zum-zum in bed and moaning without feeling pain)

Haja amor, haja amor(Let there be love, let there be love)

Haja amor pra plantar (Let there be love for planting)

Haja amor pra sorrir (Let there be love for smiling)

Haja amor pra viver (Let there be love for living)

Haja amor, seja flor, anjo no céu (Let there be love, be a flower, angel in the sky)

Eu queria ser uma abelha pra pousar na tua flor (I'd like to be a bee to land over your flower)

Haja amor, haja amor(Let there be love, let there be love)

Fazer zum-zum na cama e gemer sem sentir dor (Making zum-zum in bed and moaning without feeling pain)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Na colmeia dos teus sonhos quero ser teu cantador (In the beehive of your dreams, I want to be your chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Pois batuqueiro é batuqueiro e cantador é cantador (Because a drum beater is a drum beater and a chanter is a chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Haja amor pra plantar (Let there be love for planting)

Haja amor pra sorrir (Let there be love for smiling)

Haja amor pra viver (Let there be love for living)

Haja amor, seja flor, anjo no céu (Let there be love, be a flower, angel in the sky)

Eu queria ser uma abelha pra pousar na tua flor (I'd like to be a bee to land over your flower)

Haja amor, haja amor(Let there be love, let there be love)

Fazer zum-zum na cama e gemer sem sentir dor (Making zum-zum in bed and moaning without feeling pain)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Na colmeia dos teus sonhos quero ser teu cantador (In the beehive of your dreams, I want to be your chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Pois batuqueiro é batuqueiro e cantador é cantador (Because a drum beater is a drum beater and a chanter is a chanter)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Poder te dar uma picada e sentir o teu sabor (Be able to sting you and feel your flavor)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Nas estradas do teu corpo, teu tesouro é teu calor (On the roads of your body, your treasure is your heat)

Haja amor, haja amor (Let there be love, let there be love)

Here he sings it:

I tried to find a YouTube where 'he' would sing it with a 'trio eletrico' (electrical triad), since that is the best of Bahia, but I couldn't. Bahia invented the electrical triad (Wikipedia says it was Dodo and Osmar). I found it awesome to spend one carnival like that, behind one. You go promenading on the street and dancing at the same time while a truck with musicians on the top of it goes moving slowly. To me, that is true carnival, even though I myself chose the military clubs for those dates almost all the time. Here the women don't go naked, very different from Rio and the emphasis is usually on the most energetic or charismatic person. Also, very different from Rio, people don't report having many losses during such experience, so not many thefts, for instance, if any. I recommend that as one of the many things you can do in Brazil while visiting. May God bless!

Passing Cloud: A Cute Gaucho Song

An interesting (and cute) Brazilian song. The author is 'Hermes Aquino', a gaucho (born in Rio Grande do Sul, place of birth of Marcia Ricci Pinheiro, the girl whose ID I usurped in Brazil).

Nuvem Passageira (Passing Cloud)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu sou como um cristal bonito (I am like a beautiful crystal)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

Não adianta escrever meu nome numa pedra (It doesn't help writing my name on a stone)

Pois essa pedra em pó vai se transformar (For this stone, into dust, will change)

Você não vê que a vida corre contra o tempo (You don't see that life runs against the clock)

Sou um castelo de areia na beira do mar (I am a sand castle on the shore)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu sou como um cristal bonito (I am like a beautiful crystal)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

A lua cheia convida para um longo beijo (The full moon invites us to a long kiss)

Mas o relógio te cobra o dia de amanhã (But the watch charges us on tomorrow)

Estou sozinho, perdido e louco no meu leito (I am lonely, lost and mad in my bed)

E a namorada analisada por sobre o divã (And the girlfriend being analyzed on the couch)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu sou como um cristal bonito (I am like a beautiful crystal)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

Por isso agora o que eu quero é dançar na chuva (Because of that now what I want is dancing in the rain)

Não quero nem saber de me fazer ou me matar (I don't wanna know of making me be or killing myself)

Eu vou deixar em dia a vida e a minha energia (I will refresh my life and recharge my energy)

Sou um castelo de areia na beira do mar (I am a sand castle on the shore)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu sou como um cristal bonito (I am like a beautiful crystal)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu sou como um cristal bonito (I am like a beautiful crystal)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu como um cristal bonito (I am a passing cloud)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

Eu sou nuvem passageira (I am a passing cloud)

Que com o vento se vai (That with the wind goes)

Eu sou como um cristal bonito (I am like a beautiful crystal)

Que se quebra quando cai (That breaks as it falls)

Here the composer singing:

I am pretty sure there is a better version, sang by someone else, where they have inserted some electronic percussion with sounds of wind and cloud and things like that, but I couldn't find on this occasion, so forgive me. You can still get a good idea on how it goes in this way, I hope.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Cariocar O que ha de Bom

'Caetano' (, please check the picture on the 5th row, 5th column, together with the picture on the 4th row, 4th column: the nose is strikingly different, please, the original is little and cute and his is enormous and ugly) and 'Djavan' (, Djavan seems to have undergone quite a few usurpations: Please compare those on the first row already. 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns: one of them is super black, so that the color of the skin already tells you that that is different from the others. Then observe the noses, all different. The forefront of the second is much longer than the others. Cheeks are also different for that one) composed this one. I remembered it because it is a song that really sticks to our minds but it probably appeared as if it were an emanation from their souls: they know what has been done to us. Even though they think it is a romantic song by the time they are writing and composing, I see it as a song of protest of their souls: we can easily replace 'caetanear' with 'cariocar' and take it to mean they ruined everything that was beautiful and good. It is called 'sina' (doom), which conveys the idea well.

Sina (doom)

Pai e mãe (Father and mother)

Ouro de mina (Gold from the mines)

Coração (Heart)

Desejo e sina (Desire and doom: 'Braganca's fellow or himself would have had desire for the native American white woman and that then meant those were doomed)

Tudo mais (All else)

Pura rotina: "jazz" (Pure routine: jazz!)

Tocarei seu nome pra poder falar de amor (I will play your name to be able to speak of love: I'll have to put your actual name on a song to only then be able to speak of love, like loving the woman also means loving their original ID/name)

Minha princesa (My princess)

Art-nouveau (Art-nouveau)

Da natureza (of nature)

Tudo mais (All else)

Pura beleza: "jazz" (Pure beauty: "jazz")

A luz de um grande prazer (The light of an immense pleasure)

É irremediavel neón (Is unfixable neon)

Quando o grito do prazer (When the yell of pleasure)

Açoitar o ar (Whips the air)

Reveilon (Reveilon: not exactly Reveillon, since it means party, not dinner)

O luar (The moonlight)

Estrela (Star)

Do mar (Of the sea)

O Sol e o dom (The sun and the gift: reference to the 'gifts' they get via device/bug, so things such as super strength, eloquence in one language, perfect caligraphy, riding motorcycle perfectly well and so on)

Quiçá (Who knows?)

Um dia (Someday)

A fúria (The fury)

Desse front (Of this front: Of this face!)

Virá (Will come to)

Lapidar (Sculpt on stone: kill, reference to the stone in the cemetery)

O sonho (The dream: the never-lived life, all they hoped to achieve/do in life)

Até gerar o som (Until it generates the sound)

Como querer (As a wish of)

Caetanear (To make things be in the way Caetano likes: cariocar)

O que há de bom (Whatever is good)

O luar (The moonlight)

Estrela (Star)

Do mar (Of the sea)

O Sol e o dom (The sun and the gift)

Quiçá (Who knows?)

Um dia (Someday)

A fúria (The fury)

Desse front (Of this facade/face/front)

Virá (Will come to)

Lapidar (Sculpt on stone)

O sonho (The dream)

Até gerar o som (Until it generates the sound)

Como querer (As a wish of)

Caetanear (Cariocar)

O que há de bom (Whatever is good)

O luar (The moon)

Estrela (Star)

Do mar (Of the sea)

O Sol e o dom (The sun and the gift)

Quiçá (Who knows?)

Um dia (Someday)

A fúria (The fury)

Desse front (Of this facade)

Virá (Will come to)

Lapidar (Sculpt on stone)

O sonho (The dream)

Até gerar o som (Until it generates the sound)

Como querer (As a wish of)

Caetanear (Cariocar)

O que há de bom (Whatever is good)

I don't know, but I am getting the vibes that tell me Djavan was the one feeling the pain in place of all of us, victims/targets, since the song says 'the ways of Caetano' and because of the gifts received by them/him. In this case, the idea of usurping may have come from the whites, as we concluded before, this for Brazil. 'Braganca' told me it started with the carcerman from Rio giving the idea to those in jail back then. Slavery was over and the black Afrikans were getting their names from the public library to then embark on ships that would take them back to Afrika. The carcerman then suggests to those prisoners they had that they invaded the ship and usurped, so that all prisoners back then must have been black Afrikans/slaves or ex-slaves and the carcerman is very likely to have been white, like 90% of chance. This song was released in 1982.

Here they sing it:

The 'gift' they talk about was probably singing, since I do believe even voice can be inserted/modified at will via device. I believe our voices have been modulated via device so that they would not be loud ever, majorly so that we couldn't scream. When I attempt to scream, my voice does not accompany my 'moves', like I actually get something similar to exasperation and pain in the throat whenever I try to yell. 'Hermolga' apparently tested me for that item once, like to confirm that I couldn't scream.

Gaucho Congrats

'Nelson' sings the first paragraph of this song to me every birthday 'of mine'. Only once did he forget and that was because the multiple came in, like was occupying 'Nelson's ID. I then spoke to him a bit upset next day or something, reminded him that he always did that, every year with no miss, and that is when he never forgot anymore. I am then convinced multiples don't share memories all the time not even when the ET is occupying the target ID. Yet, 'Tom' told me he has memories of all all the time: in this case, some set of multiples have perfect sharing, probably because none of them is an eternal (part of the select 144,000), and some don't.

This is a typical song from the south of Brazil, where the Germans and Italians established themselves: it is actually more typical of Rio Grande do Sul, a particular state in the south. It is the most beautiful birthday song I have ever heard, like really meaningful, with a Christian message, nicely crafted (rhymes, harmonious and innovative melody, eloquence and poetic levels, etc.). Just the fact that they mention God should mean better people, specially if it is in a way to praise or not offend. It says 'old God', but I think I am sure that is not offensive: it is old in the sense of us always counting on him and He existing for ages. See:

Parabens Crioulo (Gaucho Congrats)

Parabéns, parabéns, saúde e felicidade (Congrats, congrats, health and happiness)

Que tú colhas sempre todo o dia (That you collect always, every day)

Paz e alegria na lavoura da amizade (Peace and joy from the crop of friendship)

Parabéns, parabéns, saúde e felicidade (Congrats, congrats, health and friendship)

Que tú colhas sempre todo o dia (That you collect always, every day)

Paz e alegria na lavoura da amizade (Peace and joy from the crop of friendship)

Que Deus velho te conceda (That the old God gives you)

Com a sua benevolência (With all His benevolence)

Muitas e muitas campereadas (Lots and lots of country people groups)

Na invernada da existência (In the strong winter of existence)

Parabéns, parabéns saúde e felicidade (Congrats, congrats, health and happiness)

Que tú colhas sempre todo o dia (That you collect always every day)

Paz e alegria na lavoura da amizade (Peace and joy from the crop of friendship)

Reunidos no mesmo afeto (Gathering together in the same affection)

Te abraçamos neste dia (We hold you on this date)

E para que siga a festança (And so that the huge party keeps on going)

Repetimos com alegria (We repeat with joy)

Parabéns, parabéns saúde e felicidade (Congrats, congrats, health and happiness)

Que tú colhas sempre todo o dia (That you collect always every day)

Paz e alegria na lavoura da amizade (Peace and joy from the crop of friendship)

Que tu colhas sempre todo o dia (That you collect always every day)

Paz e alegria na lavoura da amizade (Peace and joy from the crop of friendship)

Paz e alegria na lavoura da amizade (Peace and joy from the crop of friendship)

A few versions here: (some symbols from the culture of the South of Brazil, such as the 'statue of the thrower/lace maker' (estatua do lancador/lacador), which is supposed to bring a perfect description of how a gaucho man should look like) and (where one can see a typical CTG gathering from probably Porto Alegre: a typical gaucho country party, with clothes they would still wear these days during those events).

The south of Brazil is the most feminist piece of Brazil: the males bother about dressing 'piuchado', which is a very complex way of dressing, and 'fighting' each other in challenges for the woman of their dreams (there are challenges with tapping and sticks, whips, horses, accordion/other instruments, knives, bolhadeiras (bubblers), singing while creating lyrics and melody on the spot and others). Men have to then show skills, passion, strength, fitness, romantic/artistic/poetic power (power to indulge with words, melodies, singing and playing instruments) and everything counts, including the way they 'piuch' themselves. After going through all those challenges, or a few of them, they still have to prove themselves in the dance hall, 'making an harmonious set' with the woman of their dreams while the typical songs are played, and they have many different typical rhythms. Women just have to worry about how they look, behave and dance, since even cooking is left to the men (they go through a very complex ritual of preparing barbeque, a science that only exists in the south of Brazil, which does give really special flavor to the meat, mostly because of their hearts/souls, we assume. Even the way they cut the meat is special, makes a difference. They worry about how to serve as well, like the Meat House Porcao, when starting in Rio, had only gauchos preparing and serving meat there (males from Rio Grande do Sul): not only were they physically beautiful, usually with green or blue eyes, polite to an extreme (no cursing, no offensive jokes, no offense or bad words about people or things), biblical (either no previous sexual experience or relationships that did not work, but pure heart and clean soul, so no perversions), healthy (they didn't smoke, do drugs or alcohol in excess), slim, clean (clean faces, so without beard or mustache, but also clean in terms of shower-clean, clean clothes) and tall, what is rare in the Country, but they had the art, the heart and skills it takes to prepare and serve meat in a truly special way.

They might not have those anymore, since the marginal goes killing them all and it all, like it is possible they don't even know how to prepare that meat anymore, and I don't see 'my typical' in the YouTubes or anywhere on the Internet. We must also remember that the marginal specializes in causing suffering, injury, loss and pain to human kind, so that whatever is beautiful or noble is what they most target. Leinha once asked me what they could do to say they care about the so many people they have killed. She gave me a few constraints, like she restricted my solution to what she could be giving, and I then suggested that she printed their faces as motifs or something. I then spiritually associated that request to the material they cover the train seats with in Australia, yet it doesn't really give the idea of that being different or personalized faces, so that I guess that I have found the first thing she did not do from those I advised her to do. I suppose she wouldn't remember their faces, since they are so many, first of all.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

It Was a Boy Just Like Me

This song was introduced to me by black 'Nelson' and I now once more see that God writes straight through tortuous lines: it was obviously composed by someone who knew all they were doing/had done and felt as if they should be the voice of the victims. I now believe black 'Nelson' met with them in person and conversed with them about all. I and 'Lea Maria' were in Porto Alegre from 1974 to 1980, and 'Nelson' used to come by once in a while but was staying somewhere else, imagine Porto Alegre as well. I was never taken where he stayed, so that I have no idea of where it was. Wikipedia says the musical group is from Porto Alegre and that is compatible with their body posture and accent in the video I here quote, so that 'Nelson' must have met them in Porto Alegre.

The information I had about black 'Nelson', attained through 'Lea Maria', was that he was attending the army school from 1980 until about 1983 at least but I sincerely don't believe he ever did that. I have good evidence to the other side. He must then have remained in Porto Alegre.

The Vietnam War finished in 1975 and Engenheiros do Hawai published this song in 1986 in Sao Paulo (if they were from Porto Alegre, why were they recording in Sao Paulo, I wonder). The album is called Longe Demais das Capitais (Too far Away from the Cities,, what makes me think 'Nelson' had his managerial/administrative activities happening in country places. Besides, I now believe the picture on this album is the best reference we have as for their original looks. I think I am sure this picture compared to the one where they appear to be of really old age, which is found through the link below, will return 'usurpation' as response.

There is a chance 'Nelson's' device is produced in Hawai, since the name of this musical group is Engineers of Hawai. If there is any university in the hands of aboriginals there, that would then be my best theory: that it is being made by those, so by their telecommunications/electric/electronic engineers (because of the rhetoric of the groups, the bit that is known by me).

'Marshall Rivera' stalked me at the Sydney airport when I first arrived in Australia. I understood his role in the group was throwing asphault from 'his' company into the holes where they accumulated corpses after killing victims in Australia, so that he would have done that on the road adjacent to Sydney University, for instance, where Leinha killed quite a few people, some of those with me watching, and put their corpses inside of holes there, holes on the road (the hole I most remember was really long and located at the left side of the road of those coming from the city to Enmore). 'Marshall' never told me a thing and I had no memories until 2020 but I put clues together from what Leinha told me and ended up with this as the truth about him. He figured as millionaire here and claimed to have come from Hawai. He did look and sound a bit aboriginal to me, so that I here imagine an aboriginal killing a millionaire in Hawai and usurping since there, so that the person who left Australia to visit Hawai would't have the same biology as the person coming back to Australia from Hawai, despite the two different biological identities having the same legal identity in Australia.

I believe 'Marshall' got killed by the marginal because he was my friend, good friend indeed, like he became a very good friend: they set me up, like the travel agent did not tell me he had put one day of wait in Sydney in between and I had to go from Brazil to Brisbane. I did not know the airport would close and everything on top, so that I was left without having where to sleep for that night and with no reference at the airport. I was counting on the helper from UQ, since UQ told me they would be waiting for me at the airport when I arrived. I conversed with Marshall and he was very good at conversing, so that I ended up accepting his offer, of sleeping at his place that night and going out with him to do something in Sydney next day before proceeding to Brisbane. He claimed he was waiting for his flatmate at the airport but it didn't look as if she was going to come that day. I slept on his bed by his side, since he said there was no other bed in the place and I also couldn't find any. I then played little kid, had a teddy bear hugging me at night, and he was nice to me (as for his looks, it felt as if he could be my father as well, so that that was a very natural thing for me, even though I had never slept with 'my father', like as far as I know). We then became friends. Next day we went to the zoo and it was really nice, he took a nice picture of me and all else (that was Australia Day, 2000). He used to lecture me on how his asphault was the best in the world because of the way it was layered (maybe he said it was three layers). Money is something that does give people chances and he had it, so that I believe the marginal killed him just because of that.

Engenheiros is, in this song, telling us of what the marginal thinks is the typical young native American male from back then, perhaps also Christian and white. The symbols we see are Beatles, Rolling Stones, travelling around the world and guitar. We already know the Beatles got usurped, entire band, so that the Rolling Stones probably also did.

The marginal created the Vietnam War to kill native American white men, so that they hated those more than anyone else. If I am to believe 'Braganca', they were really into having sex with the American native white woman, so that they must have seen something special in those. I initially thought it was because they were more faithful than their fellows in nationality but I then realized all he had seen was a movie with the actress he starts targeting. He could have observed the soul of the woman, even through acting, I am sure that is possible, but we then need to confirm that soul via conversation/interaction and it seems to me that it all resumed to asking for sex, so that it is likely that they simply thought the American native white woman was more angelical/innocent than their fellow citizens (the movie they make me see in my head, as they describe things to me, seems to show nothing that is of sexual nature, like the woman is even completely covered, at most clivage showing). I say that because men have traditionally associated beauty of heavenly nature to angels, therefore beauty above all beauties, which is then what would make them be attracted to having contact with them. Also because they have fixation with kids (to marry and to have sex with them) and what kids have in special is obviously innocence (this is just to confirm that the clevage, if showing, had nothing to do with their feelings/impulses/emotions), the angelical nature, with men even painting and sculpting 'angels' that look exactly like babies all the time. I then believe they were thinking that, if they killed substantial part of the American native white men, those women they wanted as wives would end up accepting them, like no choice (as I wrote that, the marginal confirmed inside of my head that that is what it was).

An usurper from the CIA, a male with incredible accent from overseas when speaking English to me through my head, asked for advice, so that he told me he was CIA and they were discussing the Vietnam War exactly at that moment in the government. He said that the human losses were incredible and they had a problem with that, so what could they do to say that Americans were not really simply decimated in such a war (he made me feel as if he were going to get fired if those losses were not trivialized and also as if he expected me to solve his problem, which is then the reason I cooperated, I think, maybe subconsciously thinking of my 'role' within the group or something. Yet, back then, I was supposed to have no memory of being bugged, so that I am not sure about how that happened or why I accepted and answered him. Maybe they erased that contact with him after I gave him the answer? I can't really explain this part). I then said that they could invert the figures, so say it was the vietcongs who died in high numbers, not the Americans. I am sure that is what they did because, until the moment of the tsunami in Rio, they do all I advise, like everyone who asks for advice to me, through head or in person.

I now believe Engenheiros has ended up usurped ('Nelson' must have calculated I would remember the song at this height or something) but they seem to have survived the marginal's fury that far and still be able to 'do something' for us. I believe the right sequence of events would be Vietnam War, usurpation of Beatles, usurpation of Rolling Stones, then usurpation of the own musical group. I only put enough effort into proving the usurpation of the Beatles, so that one I am sure about. The rest is just theory. I think it is missing pictures in this set of when they started but perhaps, if I am right in my guesses, this group got usurped in recent times only, so that if you compare the picture where they seem really old with the picture where they look youngest, you will know for sure.

Era um Garoto que como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones (It was a boy who just like me loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones)

Era um garoto que como eu (It was a boy who just like me)

Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones (Loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones)

Girava o mundo sempre a cantar (Used to go around the world always singing)

As coisas lindas da América (The beautiful things from America)

Não era belo, mas mesmo assim (He wasn't beautiful but even so)

Havia umas garotas a fim (There were a few girls interested in him)

Cantava Help and Ticket to Ride (He used to sing Help and Ticket to Ride)

Ou Lady Jane e Yesterday (Or Lady Jane and Yesterday)

Cantava vivas à liberdade (He used to sing praises to freedom)

Mas uma carta sem esperar (However an unexpected letter)

Da sua guitarra, o separou (Split him from his guitar)

Fora chamado na América (He was called in America)

Stop! Com Rolling Stones (Stop with Rolling Stones)

Stop! Com Beatles songs (Stop with Beatles songs)

Mandado foi ao Vietnã (They ordered that he went to Vietnam)

Lutar com vietcongs (To fight against the vietcongs)

Era um garoto que como eu (It was a boy, who just like me)

Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones (Loved the Beatles and the Rolling Stones)

Girava o mundo, mas acabou (He used to go around the world, but ended up)

Fazendo a guerra do Vietnã (Making the Vietnam War)

Cabelos longos não usa mais (He doesn't have long hair anymore)

Não, ele não toca a sua guitarra e sim (No, he doesn't play his guitar anymore and instead)

Um instrumento que sempre dá (Plays an instrument that always gives)

A mesma nota (ra-tá-tá-tá) (The same tab (ra-ta-ta-ta)

Não tem amigos, não vê garotas (He has no friends, he doesn't see girls)

Só gente morta caindo ao chão (Only dead people falling to the ground)

Ao seu país não voltará (To his Country, he won't return)

Pois está morto no Vietnã (Because he is deceased in Vietnam)

Stop! Com Rolling Stones (Stop with Rolling Stones)

Stop! Com Beatles songs (Stop with Beatles songs)

No peito, um coração não há (On the chest, there is no heart)

Mas duas medalhas sim (There are two medals instead)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Tatá-tá-tá-tá, tá-tá-tá-tá-tá (rata-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta)

Tatá-tá-tá-tá (Tata-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá (Rata-ta-ta-ta)

Ratá-tá-tá-tá (Rata-ta-ta-ta)

Here this interesting gaucho band sings this song:

The Wikipedia page for the group says they had past members, so that I now think they simply swapped members and the original group, which is the people who would have composed this song, might then still be alive and be the same ones. It is worth dedicating some time to investigating this in detail, seriously, though.